Monday, October 20, 2014


 My painting is in the style of Wayne Thiebaud who is still alive and painting to this day. Wayne painted simple items the way he remembered them and without looking at pictures or examples of the item he was painting. His work is very colorful with plain backgrounds. Thiebaud painted a lot of foods such as cakes and candies and drinks, which he would create a pattern with. For example, he did a painting of gumball machines, but instead of only painting one machinf he painted three of them. He also painted landscapes later on on his career. 

   A painting by Waybe Thiebaud:

 I decided to paint three colorful coke bottles next to each other on a gray background to represent his simple but colorful work. I decided to paint one bottle that was blue at the top and pink at the bottom, another bottle that was yellow at the top and green at the bottom, and the last bottle is orange at the top and red on the bottom. All of these bottles have a purple shadow because Wayne always used blue or purple shadows on his paintings. 
 I changed my project as I was sketching and after asking others what they thought. My first idea was one huge coke bottle with more details on it but I decided that having more than one bottle represented Wayne's style of art more. I really like this project and I had fun with it even though I have always struggled with paint. I learned how to create smoother strokes and add make brighter, nicer colors with what I had. I think my project turned out pretty good but I believe that I could have done a better job with it and could had added more details to it. 

My final painting: